Thank you for all the positive feedback about the senior signs ordered by the PTA. The safest way to connect your senior with their sign is to deliver it to your home. We plan to do this within a week using the information currently in our online PTA Directory, accessed by the Membership Directory App.
If, for some reason, your address is not listed or is not correct, please send an email to with your student’s name and address so our team of volunteers can deliver your sign safely to your yard.
We will also arrange a pick-up time in one of the CdM School parking lots if we cannot find your address or if you would just prefer that option. Please use the email if that is a better choice for your family too.
We are happy to accomodate you and look forward to hearing from you soon, please let us know by Saturday at 6:00 pm if we need any updates from you.
Wishing you all well and looking forward to seeing lots of selfies with these signs soon!
Brigid Cianfrani and Fiona Ivey
CdM PTA Co-Presidents
PS. After you receive your sign, PLEASE either send us a selfie at that email address or post it on instagram and tag cdmpta!